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Ben Walzinger, aka Big Ben or Uncle Ben, has gone on the longest solo dive since 30 Sep 2018, 9am, in Pemuteran, Bali. He was originally from Saarlouis, Germany. He spen 22 years in Phuket, Thailand, before he moved to Bali in 2011. Ben started diving in 1985, became an instructor in 1989, an instructor trainer in 1994 and a tech instructor trainer in 2005. The last dive was his #7702 dive. He has devoted his whole life to diving education. When he's not teaching, he goes diving. He has given generously and impacted many people's life. Ben loves the deep blue, bread, chocolate, hot bath and nice people. We will remember him. 

September 25, 2022
September 25, 2022
Hallo Ben, 4 Jahre sind vergangen und gerade habe ich wieder einmal Fotos von uns angesehen - die zeit und auch die Tauchgänge mit Dir waren immer ein >erlebnis- wir hoffen das viele deiner Schüler an dich denken und du so nicht vergessen wirst.

gruss Axel und Alex
August 22, 2022
August 22, 2022
Hi Ben, einfach so mal wieder weil Du mir grade eingefallen bist. Machs gut dort wo du bist und bis Irgendwann mal wieder.
October 10, 2021
October 10, 2021
Hey Ben,
schon wieder verging mein Geburtstag und du hast dich nicht gemeldet....
Aber ich habe trotzdem an dich gedacht :-)
"Die kleine Hexe" vermisst dich!!!
Ich schick dir viele Grüße und trink mal wieder ein Spezi für dich mit!
August 26, 2020
August 26, 2020
Hallo Ben,  
Du warst mein Lehrer und Freund, du hast mir vieles beigebracht in deiner immer fröhlichen Art und so manch ein Banana Shake hat es auch gekostet.
Die Wochen 2005 auf Phuket als ich bei Dir den Divemaster Kurs erfolgreich meistern konnte, ebens auch als Du meiner Frau das Tauchen in deiner unendlichen Ruhe bei gebracht hast!
Im Oktober 2016 auf Bali/Tulamben hatte ich das Glück dich nochmal zu treffen und auch nochmal gemeinsam zu tauchen.
Deine Freude über den neuen Reisepass mit dem Wohnort Tulamben war kaum zu Bremsen.

R.I.P  wir werden dich nicht vergessen Axel und Alex
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020
Hallo Ben, einfach mal so zwischendurch Grüße aus Phuket. Wo auch immer du bist, Du bist auch immer in meinen Gedanken. Bis irgendwann mal.
May 17, 2020
May 17, 2020
Ben my dear "old" friend, there is not a singel day that pass with out thinking of you and all great time we had! Today your loved adress expierd, so i made a transfer of the domain to my registrator so it can live as long i do.. In memorial of you! See you on the other side! /Youngster Öberg
March 19, 2019
March 19, 2019
Ben been a scuba diving mentor to me. (IDC Staff, Tec Deep -, Full Trimix Instructor)
Did some trips and IDC's together.(Phuket; Bali)
Farewell .... and your last dive may last infinitely and will never forget you.
March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019
We will miss you my Friend
As you have always been united with the sea, now you are part of the spirit of the Ocean.....
Rest in peace, my dear friend…
March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019
Lieber Ben
Anfangs 1997 haben wir uns kennengelernt. Damals absolvierte ich meinen IDC bei dir. Die Jahre danach habe ich im Winter viele Male bei dir gestafft. Durfte und musste diverse Kurse bei dir machen. Manche davon wie Rebreather oder TecRec habe ich dir zuliebe gemacht. Am liebsten waren mir doch unsere gemeinsamen TG am Kata Beach, als wir anfingen mit unseren ersten Digitalkameras zu fotografieren.
Wenn du auf Europatour kamst, hast du bei mir gewohnt. Hast hier deine ausgiebigen Fenjalölbäder genossen und wir sind gemeinsam zu deinem Lieblingsrestaurant das "Güggeli im Chörbli" essen gegangen.
Vielen Dank, dass ich bei dir Tauchen lernen durfte, du mir Phuket gezeigt hast und dass ich ein Teil von deinem Leben sein durfte. Dank dir sind viele gute Erinnerungen und Freundschaften entstanden. Deine letzte Nachricht an mich, hast du am 23.09.2018 mit einem Smile mit Heiligenschein geschickt...………ob das eine Vorahnung war- keiner weiss es.
Ruhe in Frieden Khun Ben ! Ich werde immer an dich denken...….Happy Birthday !
March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019
Lieber Ben, ich wollte Dir heute zum Geburtstag gratulieren und habe erst heute erfahren, dass Du Ende 2018 Deinen finalen Tauchgang angetreten hast. Ich hoffe, dass es Dir gut geht, dort wo Du nun bist und moechte Dir gern sagen, dass Du immer einen festen Platz in meinem Herzen haben wirst. Vor einigen Jahren sind wir noch zusammen bei Deiner Geburtstags-Cruise bei Hin Daeng und Hin Muang getaucht und haben ueber die guten, alten Zeiten geredet... So schmerzlich es ist, Dich nicht mehr auf Erden zu haben, so erleichternd ist es zu wissen, dass Du von uns gingst, waehrend Du das tatst, was Dir immer Dein Liebstes war - solo in der Tiefe... I'll see you on the other side, brother! Dein Franky
November 27, 2018
November 27, 2018
Lieber Ben,
eigentlich wollte ich dich die nächsten Tage anrufen und fragen, ob du an ein Taxi gedacht hast, für den Shuttle vom Flughafen nach Permuteran – für nächste Woche. Nun muss ich von einem gemeinsamen Freund erfahren, dass du keine Zeit mehr für mich hast; nie mehr. Du hast dich zurück gezogen für immer. Das macht mich sehr traurig und es wird noch einige Zeit vergehen es zu akzeptieren. Dennoch, schon jetzt ist mir bewusst, dass mir viele Erinnerungen von dir bleiben werden, von deinem breiten Grinsen z.B. beim Abholen vom Flughafen oder am Morgen vom Bungalow oder wenn wir ein Mittag- oder Abendessen genossen haben. Auch deine manchmal strengen Blicke während der IDC-Ausbildung oder beim Geräte-Check vor dem Tauchen. Vor allem aber dein besonderes Schmunzeln, wenn wir gelacht haben, wird in Erinnerung bleiben. Und das haben wir oft - in Phuket, in Tulamben und im März noch in Permuteran. Tauchen, das verbinde ich mit dir; deine Ruhe beim Vorbereiten; deine unendliche Freude, immer noch, nach so vielen Tauchgängen, dein Interesse an kleinsten Details während jedes Tauchgangs. Ich werde auch nicht vergessen, wie du mir in meiner schwierigsten Lebensphase sehr geholfen hast. Deine tiefe Menschlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft durfte ich immer wieder wahrnehmen. In vertrauten Gesprächen habe ich es öfters mitbekommen, zu wievielen Menschen du dir Gedanken machst. Du gehörst zu den Guten! Ich wünsch dir da wo du jetzt bist, alles Gute, viel Zufriedenheit und Zustimmung. Sag Ingrid liebe Grüße von mir und pass auf dich auf Purzl!
Liebe Grüße, Harald
October 23, 2018
October 23, 2018
Mein lieber Freund Ben, es tut so unendlich weh, dass wir uns nicht wiedersehen.
Mehr als 22 Jahre haben wir uns gekannt, geschätzt, begleitet, gelacht und gefeiert. 1996 habe ich dir zum ersten Mal beim IDC in Phuket aufmerksam zugehört, gelernt und alles in Taten umgesetzt. Ich bin mehr als glücklich und stolz darauf, dich kennen gelernt zu haben, nicht nur als Mentor für fundierte, sichere, gut entertainte und durchgerechnete Tauchausbildung, nein auch als lebensbejahenden Realisten, als richtig guten Menschenkenner und Genießer. Auch die Mädels haben dir dein Leben lang den Kopf verdreht :-)
Selbst nach Niederlagen, und das waren nicht wenige, hast du nie aufgegeben, neue Pläne geschmiedet und bist immer wieder aufgestanden. Nach Phuket hast du in Bali den Rausch der Tiefe neu erleben können und wieder etwas Einzigartiges aufgebaut. Es tat so gut, es mit zu verfolgen und welch Glück, mit dir gemeinsam zu erleben.
Ich hätte noch Fragen gehabt, wollte mit dir noch auf 100m abtauchen...
Dein Vermächtnis gebe ich jeden Tag an andere weiter und bin so oft in Gedanken über und unter Wasser bei dir,
... dein dicker Freund, der Sachse, Karsten
October 20, 2018
October 20, 2018
8 Glasen für Onkel Ben.
Mit Wehmut denke ich an unsere gemeinsamen Tauchgänge auf Phuket zurück.
Für das nächste Jahr war ein Besuch meinerseits bei Dir geplant. Leider wird nun nichts mehr daraus werden.
Vielen Dank für alles, was Du mir beigebracht hast.
Wir werden uns mit Sicherheit in der Ewigkeit wieder sehen.
RiP Axel
October 16, 2018
October 16, 2018
Ciao Ben Walzinger, È da poco che non ci vediamo, e da poco tempo che non ridiamo insieme.Ricordi il tuo ultimo compleanno? Ora mi vengono in mente tanti tuoi racconti di quando eri bambino E ti innamorarsi del mare, mi raccontavi di quando in Italia con la tua famiglia mettisti una maschera per vedere sott’acqua…
Hai amato tanto il mare, il mare lo ha capito e ti ho voluto sempre con se.
Mi ha raccontato che non volevi morire in un letto di ospedale ma che avresti voluto morire in mare, e così è stato ! e questo tuo desiderio si avverato, Sono contento per te perché sono sicuro che in questo momento tu fai parte e la cosa che più amato in vita tua.
A noi che rimaniamo ci rimane la grande mancanza della tua persona, quando verrò a trovarti porterò uno dei biscotti che ti piacevano lo metterò in mare per te. Un abbraccio Armando, quel Sub che rimproveravi di avere troppa poca paura.
October 16, 2018
October 16, 2018
Mach`s gut Ben,
ich bin so unglaublich traurig das du nicht mehr bei uns bist.
Aber du weißt das wir alle, die wir dich kennenlernen durften dich immer in unserem Herzen behalten werden,
Im kommenden Frühjahr wollte meine Tochter ihren "Open Water" bei dir machen, wie ich vor fast 25 Jahren.
Schade dass ich sie dir nicht mehr vorstellen konnte. Habe ihr so viel von dir erzählt.
Ich hoffe du "kriegst dort nicht kalt" wo du jetzt bist.
Ich vermisse dich..... Sibylle
October 14, 2018
October 14, 2018
Dear Ben, words can not express how sad we are.
This week Michael and I had our two-year wedding anniversary. Exactly two years ago on October 10th 2016 you were Michaels’ best men and part of our unforgettable day. During the wedding ceremony you were standing right next to Michael and I will never forget your friendly supporting smile that calmed me down. Your touching words on that day, we will keep them in our memories forever!
We are grateful for the time we were allowed to share with you, the dives we had, the feeling of safety you gave us during our first tec dives, the good conversations and chats with you.
We will never find a better buddy for long lasting deco stops to watch nudibranchs.
You will always be part of our life. We will remember you and keep you in our hearts with your big smile and your positive attitude to life!
In loving memory,
Anja & Michael
October 13, 2018
October 13, 2018
Liber Onkel Ben,
In wenigen Tage sind wir wieder in Tulamben. Leider bleibt dein Stuhl nun frei, was aber nicht bedeutet, daß du in Vergessenheit gerätst.
Ich hoffe, daß dort wo du nun bist, du deinen letzten und längsten Tauchgang genießt.
Unvergessen wirst du in unseren Gedanken immer dabei sein.
Einen letzten Gruß in die Stille der Tiefe
Elke und Frank
October 13, 2018
October 13, 2018
Uncle Ben, Tulamben-ben, Ben Walzinger.. My dear friend, mentor and my best deep diving buddy you were to me more than just a friend, dive buddy, mentor and instructor, but an perfect example of how to live with happiness and enjoyment. I will miss your wide smile and your antics and those nightly chats that always ended with ”Yes correct you are right, i told you once”. I am grateful for the time we shared as friends and privileged to have been under your wings and guidance. These times have etched lifelong memories and enriched and expanded my journey. Thank you my dear friend for all you have been. May this last deep trimix dive take you to the new ocean of eternity where we shall meet again. See you on the other side Ben!
Renaud, Adithra, SAR Team and all others (i dont know all the names..) Thanks for everything! I hope to see you all in November!
/"Youngster Überg" (Ben always called me that.. )
October 13, 2018
October 13, 2018
We still can not find it. Our last meeting June 2018 in Pemuteran. Will always stay in our minds. We find our comfort in this poem.
I moved a stone in a river on earth
the water runs different from before
you cannot hold the river's flow
its water will always find a way
maybe once filled with snow and rain
the river will take along my pebble
to leave him smooth and round worn
resting in the lee of the sea
I moved a stone in a river on earth
now I know I will never be forgotten
I gave a prove of my existence
because by moving this one stone
the stream will never take the same way
October 12, 2018
October 12, 2018
Ben constantly reminded me that when I wanted to dive deep, he would take me (one day when Dawn my wife wasn't looking). I always thought that I would one day go beyond normal scuba depths and when I did, it would be with only one person and that was Uncle Ben. He was the only person I knew I could trust to take me safely into the deep.
Well Ben, that day never came. I can now imagine you at 85 meters (the planned depth of your last dive) looking out across the very reef you had described to us over dinner not so long ago. A reef that until recently only you had seen at such depths. A pristine deep reef that lay untouched with no signs of human interference.
I often find myself looking into the deep, gazing down over the edge of a deep drop-off. Imagining what is down there just out of reach. From now on, when I gaze over the edge it will remind me of you Ben, because I know you are down there somewhere. You had told us your home was in the sea.
RIP - Uncle Ben
October 11, 2018
October 11, 2018
In stiller Trauer um Big Ben - IDC im Mai 2004 bei Ben in Phuket - Du wirst immer in meiner Erinnerung bleiben
October 11, 2018
October 11, 2018
Mein lieber Onkel Ben...
...was soll ich sagen. Mir fehlen heute noch die Worte, dass du nicht mehr unter uns weilst. Den tiefsten, längsten und schönsten Tauchgang durfte ich erst noch kürzlich mit dir an deinem geliebten Bens`s Reef in Pemuteran absolvieren. Was hatten wir noch bis zu deinem 10`000TG alles für Pläne zusammen ausgemacht. Ich weiss du würdest jetzt sagen: Für mein Bankkonto sehr gute, für deins...naja...bist ja Schweizer. Und dann kommt dein klassisches "HEHE"
Jede Sekunde die ich mit dir verbringen durfte war ein Erlebnis. Wie oft hast du mir in schwierigen Situationen den richtigen Weg zeigen können. Sei dies per Facebook, am Telefon oder auch wenn wir gemeinsam an einem Tisch sitzen durften. Deine Art wie du auf Menschen zugegangen bist, werde ich sehr vermissen. Ich bin dir sehr dankbar, dass du mein Leben mitgeprägt hast. Für mich wirst du immer mein grosses Vorbild, Mentor und sehr guter Freund bleiben. Ich wünsche dir auf deinem letzten tiefsten und längsten Tauchgang deines Leben nur das beste was man einem geliebten Menschen wünschen kann. Möge dir Poseidon gnädig sein, jedoch bin ich mir fast sicher, dass du Ihm bereits so einige Skills gezeigt hast.
Ruhe in Frieden Grand maître de plongée
October 10, 2018
October 10, 2018
OHHHH NEIN, nicht Ben,
Ben du warst so ein toller lebensfroher Mensch, wir hatten so tolle Gespräche und Tauchgänge
Das tut echt weh
Ich bin fassungslos "RIP" Ben Walzinger
Ich wünsche mir dass du da bist, in den tiefen des Meeres was dein Leben war, jetzt kannst du Dinge sehen die du noch nie sahst in den tiefen deines LieblingsOzeanes - das wünsche ich dir
Ich werde das Tauchen mit dir und Dich als Mensch nie vergessen
Ich wünsche Allen Angehörigen viel Kraft in dieser schweren Zeit - Carsten
October 10, 2018
October 10, 2018
Lieber Ben,
Ich bin dankbar dich auf Bali, als so liebenswerten Menschen kennen gelernt zu haben.
October 10, 2018
October 10, 2018
Uncle Ben,
After being my friend, my instructor and my mentor for many years you have now started your last and biggest journey. Farewell my friend. I will always keep you in my memories and I will think of you, especially when I return to the places where we have dived together or have spent time together. And whenever I dive into your beloved ocean I will know that you are out there with me.
October 10, 2018
October 10, 2018
We had a pleasure to meet Ben this past May in Pemuteran at Renaud & Made's. He joined us for a couple of shallow (imagine that!) dives at Secret Bay. We joked about it a lot...We spent a delightful time talking about everything, from diving to food, joking and laughing. He was such an open and warm guy. We know, he is and will be missed by many. R.I.P Ben
October 9, 2018
October 9, 2018
Dear family and friends of Big Ben 
I send you deepest sympaty and comfort. 
And best wishes from the others from Sauerland (Helmut and Kathy).
Stay strong
Love Dagi
October 9, 2018
October 9, 2018
Lieber Ben,
fast 20 Jahre ist es jetzt her, dass ich bei Dir gelernt habe (IDC 01/1999). Ich bin erschüttert über die Nachrichten und möchte Dir auf diesem Wege einen letzten, lieben Gruß senden.
Auch wenn unser Kontakt in den letzten Jahren nicht so eng war, habe ich Dich nie vergessen und werde immer gern daran zurückdenken, was ich bei Dir und von Dir gelernt habe.
Dir wünsche ich nun, den besten Tauchgang Deines Lebens und Deinen Angehörigen viel Kraft, in dieser schwierigen Zeit.
Möge der Ozean Dich für immer behüten.
October 9, 2018
October 9, 2018
Helping someone to become a Diving Instructor or a Technical Diver has the same emotional aspects than to teach flying. Dreams come true. Mastering a deadly environment with technical gear and skills always fascinated a certain kind of human being, like you and me. A lot of the skills based on the military diving drill methods. So most of this business is highly standardized and set. Long time ago you decided to add two super Ben-factors to the business. Your passion for all underwater creatures and your unique personality. Following your fins could be life changing. Observing your smile behind your mask while you encountered nudibranchs was inspiring and full of reason why you were in this blue planet. Your advice was always followed by a smile.
I will never forget your vibrant emotions as you dove with Orcas on the way back from Raja Noi. The first time I realized that you were able to encounter big fish as well….
You always had the feeling that Bali would be your final destination. And after you moved from Phuket to Bali you found back to the pure and relaxed Bernd Klaus Walzinger. With tears running down my cheek I have to accept, that you dove in Bali your last dive. No sitting in a nursing homes rocking chair in cold Germany. At least you would have tuned your wheel chair for a race.
A endless solo dive in a deadly environment ended your life. During my first Tec Diving lesson under your coaching, you warned me with a stern look that this could happen. You knew… but your passion was the meaning of your life. You closed the circle.
Thank you for everything and good bye!
Ps: RIP “Triumpf mit Zauberkreuz”
October 9, 2018
October 9, 2018
Lieber Ben,
ich konnte leider nur zwei super Tauchgänge mit dir machen, es war mir eine wahre Freude. Du bist nun in dem Element geblieben, in dem du dich am liebsten aufgehalten hast. Obwohl wir uns leider nicht so lange kannten, hast du einen Platz in unseren Herzen gefunden..........
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Lieber Ben
Ich hoffe, du hattest einen wunderschoenen letzten Tauchgang und geniesst deine U/W-Landschaft und schwimmenden Freunde!
1998 hatte ich das Vergnuegen, dich bei meinem IDC in Phuket kennenzulernen und sind seit dann immer wieder in Verbindung geblieben.
1999/2000 haben wir unseren gemeinsamen, 1. "Fun" Tauchgang in Tulamben am Drop Off gemacht und dabei habe ich dir dein erstes Pygmy Seahorse in 40M Tiefe gezeigt. Da du es nicht richtig sehen konntest, habe ich dir meine Lupe ausgeliehen und - voilà - du hast vor Freude gestrahlt. Seit dann hast du die Freude an Kleinvieh nie verloren und als du dann ganz nach Bali umgesiedelt hast, sind wir beste Freunde geworden. Wir hatten die gleichen Leidenschaften u.a. Fondue, Schoggi (CHer!), Kaese und vieles mehr. Gerne erinnere ich mich an unsere gemeinsamen Tauchgaenge, Essen und an deine immer positive Einstellung.
Ruhe in Frieden mein Freund. Du wirst in ewiger Erinnerung weiterleben.
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
I have done my longest dive with you Ben, I have done my deepest dive with you Ben, I have done my best dive with you Ben...
You were my teacher, my body, my nudibranch specialist, my friend! You will be always in my heart Ben. R.I.P
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
A week has gone by, and Big Ben still hasn't come back. It's the first time I suddenly realise, maybe Ben is indeed not with us any more. I kept reading your last message to me on Sept 25th, the day Facebook celebrated our 3yr friendversary:

"- The number '3' is quantity which is not counting that much. What is counting much more is the quality of our friendship ... ... which not really has something to do with Facebook. Facebook is only a reminder to keep in touch hehe. "

Indeed, I'm grateful that we shared many happy moments together and regretful that very often I didn't make an effort to keep in touch. I know where you are now is probably the best place you can rest in peace, but it just happened a little bit too soon. There are still so many things we haven't done. We haven't visited Banda island together. I still haven't taken you to Garden by the Bay as promised and there will never be a "next time". You haven't given me a proper tour of your new Tec Room. I went there yesterday, and seeing all the tools laying out neatly on the wall in a German style, I imagined how happy you would be explaining them to me one by one. I was waiting for the day to celebrate your 8000th dive, which you said should happen in Mar 2019. Now I don't know who should I text to when next time Artur and I go to Valentino or Massimo together. Next time when I see Lindt chocolate at the airport, I would not know who I should buy it for. I will also not know who I shall turn to when I have another question about technical diving.

You once said you were not sure if it was appropriate for me to call you “legend of Tulamben”, but now I am telling you, you are truly a legend, and your legendary story will be told by many people for a very long time. You will be remembered for your generosity, your big heart, your dedication to diving, your silly jokes and your signature smile ✓.

Goodbye, dearest Ben.
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Funny story with Ben, Push The Car Wuni!!!

Maybe few of our friends already know this story, Ben likes to tell this story.

Few years ago Ben have guests that want dive with him and they stay at Siddartha. On the last night of their holiday, we having dinner together with them at Safety Stop. They drink a lot and soo drunk. When I saw my watch, its almost midnight and they not arrange any transportation. I ask Ben how we bring them back to their hotel, Ben thinking and he decide to borrow (aka we stole it hahahaha) Ocean Sun old car so we can bring them home.

the car is on Ocean Sun parking area, so I told him if we turn on the car here and the entire resort will heard it. So we decide to push this car to the main road first after that we can turn on the car.

So we take position, Ben pushing from the door and also control the stearing wheel, me pushing from behind. Oh my God... Its really funny. I am wearing my favorite long dress at that time and I pushing that damn old car hahahahaha I am not upset at all, only thinking "what the heck I am doing? I tried to be look nice tonight but end up pushing this car".

From infront Ben keep saying PUSH... PUSH... PUSH... but from behind I can't give my full power because I am half pushing and half laughing hahahaha he keep saying PUSH..... From behind I told him "hey.... This old car is heavy and I am wearing a nice dress so its hard to push and move. You PUSH more!!! " hahahaha

We need to make turn from the parking area to the main road. We are struggling but we Made It hahahaha we turn on the car and yes is soo loud! We pick up the guests from Safety Stop and bring them into the car.

In the car they talk many silly things, yea you know drunk people. But finally we bring them safely to their hotel.

On the way back, me and Ben laughing a lot talking about what happen. Its soo funny what happen that night. I always love that memory with him.

I will missing you BB
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
I just realized by looking for some pictures with Ben that I became a PADI OWSI 25 years ago. What a great time it has been. This all would not be possible without you, my old friend and mentor Ben. We meet 25 years ago and you changed my life forever! RIP my friend; I wouldn't be here without you. I'm honored to know and worked with you for so many years! We all miss you! You helped so many to live their dream and we will be forever grateful. Have the best dive ever... we celebrate your life!
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Endless Universe, endless ocean.
Weightless drifting in liquid space.
I feel so little and insignificant.
But I feel home, when I leave the surface behind.
Water to water, drop to drop, the cradle of all life.
I am in the ocean, I am in the universe.
I am in me and we are one!
Ruhe in Frieden Ben und in meinen Erinnerungen lebst du weiter.
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Dear Uncle Ben,
First we met in Phuket. On one of my first diving lessons. You were so funny and kind, I felt I knew you already for years! You have something special that I can't describe only in few words!
In 2016 I was on my Asia trip as an backpacker and in January I came to visit you. The weather was bad and it rained a lot, but I felt so comfortable and welcomed that the sun was shining again! You took care of me and we shared some great days and dives together. The last day you brought me to the aiport and on the way down we ate grilled octupus in the streets and Adithra and you showed me a beautiful water garden. I didn't want to leave.. I said I will come back.
And I will.. one day.
I want to thank you that you gave me and everyone else a great time and everytime a smile in our faces!
Rest in Peace lovely Ben and enjoy your last dive..
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Ben, I hope you have the best dive ever!
Since you started your last dive, I watch the sea - every morning when I walk along the Beach with my dogs and keep on looking for you and send you positive wishes. I heard the Balian said you are at an underwater temple... May you have a good time, wherever you are
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
R.I.P. Big Ben.
In 3 weeks we want to see us again.
Now there is no hope to find you alive and
we have to say good bye to you.
So sad, a really BIG person has passed tooo early.
I hope your last dive was amazing.
May the current of eternity will bring you on a very good place.
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
When I met Ben the very first time in Berlin in 1996 he was recruiting People for an IDC in Thailand, he was already a big institution in the Dive Business and he was like a Dive Father. Highly respected by many People he was one of a Kind with special humor and senses. His kindliness and patients made him what he was, a very unique Person who will be missed.
R.I.P. Ben and enjoy your looong, deep dive , you might be gone but never forgotten
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Words will never describe how much you will be missed my friend.
Thanks for everything Big Ben.
Dive In Peace!
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
It's hard to find the right words. You've found them all the time. I hope your last dive was the most beautiful of your life ...
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Lieber Ben,
ich danke dir von ganzem Herzen für die tolle Zeit mit dir und für alles was ich mit dir lernen durfte. Du warst immer ein geduldiger und liebenswerter Lehrer, sowie auch ein guter Freund für mich. Ich wünsche dir für dein nächstes Leben, dass du wieder in deinem geliebten Meer sein kannst. Marcello
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Never dived with Ben ,met him a couple of years ago in Tulemben when he supplied me oxygen for my rebreather.We hit it off straight away and had many a meal together at the Safety Stop whenever I came to Bali and just enjoyed ourselves.He was an infectious and generous person who always gave of himself ,a great teacher and liked by everyone. Rest in Peace Uncle Ben
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Uncle Ben! I met you in Thailand many years ago we had so much fun an time together. A friend and a mentor. I will always remember you! Always in my thoughts and my heart!
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Uncle Ben, ich denke du bist genauso gegangen, wie du gehen musstest.
Das Scuba Luder und ich werden dich vermissen!
October 7, 2018
October 7, 2018
Lieber Ben
nach über 30 Jahren die wir uns kennen, ist es nun Zeit Abschied zu nehmen. Wenige Menschen haben mein Leben so sehr beeinflusst und geprägt wie du. Ohne dich wäre mein Leben niemals so glücklich und ereignisreich verlaufen und dafür danke ich dir von ganzem Herzen.
Es ist immer noch schwer zu begreifen, dass du nicht mehr da bist.
Du hast mir gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, seinen Traum zu leben und unsere gemeinsame Zeit in Thailand hat mein Leben geprägt.
Für deinen letzten Tauchgang wünsche ich dir alles Gute und ich denke, dass wir uns eines Tages wiedersehen werden.
Bis dahin gehört dir ein Platz in meinem Herzen und die Erinnerungen an unsere gemeinsamen Erlebnisse werden mich begleiten.
Machs gut alter Saarländer
Dein Freund Andreas
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September 25, 2022
September 25, 2022
Hallo Ben, 4 Jahre sind vergangen und gerade habe ich wieder einmal Fotos von uns angesehen - die zeit und auch die Tauchgänge mit Dir waren immer ein >erlebnis- wir hoffen das viele deiner Schüler an dich denken und du so nicht vergessen wirst.

gruss Axel und Alex
August 22, 2022
August 22, 2022
Hi Ben, einfach so mal wieder weil Du mir grade eingefallen bist. Machs gut dort wo du bist und bis Irgendwann mal wieder.
His Life

Ben's early life before diving career (by Sabine Walzinger)

October 16, 2018

Ben was born on 18 March 1956 in Saarlouis, a charming town not far from the french border, in the west of Germany. His parents were independent businessmen leading a small fishmonger’s already in the 2nd generation. One might get the impression that his affinity for the underwater world is hidden in his roots. His 12 years older brother took over their parents´ business in the 3rd generation, whereas Ben followed his passion for cars, enrolling in studies of automotive engineering and eventually participating in rallies, which seemed to be much more exciting, yet not very sustainable, to him. 

He then explored his entrepreneurial side by starting small businesses in the gastronomy via distributing luxury clothes and even experimenting with real estate, always on the search for a business that truly fulfilled him. The Mindshift finally brought vacation on the Maldives, where he seemed to have found his destination. Fascinated from the underwater world he moved from that experience on to the eastern part of the world to turn passion to profession combining both.

Ben first became interested in diving in early 70’s, when they showed a film series of Jacques Cousteau on tv. It was called “The Secrets of The Sea” and he watched it with his parents. At the age of 15, on a family vacation to Italy, he tried diving but nobody explained to him how to equalize the ears. It wasn’t until 1985, at the age of 29, he started open water training in Kenya.

~ By Sabine Walzinger

Ben's life in Bali (by Adithra and Momo)

November 2, 2018

Ben’s life in Tulamben

As early as 1999, 2000 and 2001, Ben already came to Tulamben for few weeks to conduct instructor courses. Eventually, after 22 years in Phuket, in 2011 Ben decided move to Tulamben and work together with Ocean Sun to run a tec dive center. As the era of residing in this little town began, Ben started to introduce himself as “Ben from Tulamben” and it was another iconic name of him besides “Big Ben” or “Uncle Ben”.

In 2013, Ben constructed The Tec Room Bali and we made a new logo. He was quite proud of it. Under the operation of this dive center, Ben did technical dives and conducted courses. Whenever he was not teaching, he went diving.

One thing he didn’t like to do was night dives. At night, he preferred to stay dry and have dinner with friends or relax at home. Whoever asked him to do a night dive, he should have already known the answer. One of his favorite dive sites was Drop Off and Deep Garden, where sometimes he could see Mola-Mola while doing a deep dive.

Sometimes when he didn’t need to go diving, he would take his time to drive to South Bali for shopping and good food, especially pizza, pasta and gelato at Massimo. He was a bread addict, and also partial to Haribo, milk, chocolate and cake! He loved to eat chocolate or cake with a glass of milk.

Ben split his time between diving, home and good places for food. His favorite food place was Safety Stop, where his best friend Martin cooked the best German food in Tulamben. Every time Martin cooked for Ben, he was always happy, especially on Ben’s 60th birthday, when Martin made a special menu for Ben. His tummy was super happy on that night!

Ben also had a Baliness best friend Moyo. They always helped and took care of each other. In 2015, Moyo brought Ben to Mount Bromo. It became Ben’s first vacation since 4 years. It was a long drive to Bromo but Ben really enjoyed it. Not only Martin and Moyo, Ben also made a lot of friends in Tulamben. They made Ben’s life interesting and for sure Ben would keep them in his heart. Beside that, Ben’s old friends also frequently visited him in Tulamben.

In 2015, 2016 and 2018, Ben organized dive trips to Sri Lanka, to dive at HMS Hermes, the old aircraft carrier. He always stayed there for about a month, and his friends joined him over shorter and different periods of time. It was an adventure for him. The saturated blue of the deep and calm Indian Ocean gave him a different experience of diving, as compared to Bali. He always ate loads of chicken masala, and he also developed a love for the local cotton fabric.

Ben’s life in Pemuteran

Because of the eruption of Mount Agung in September 2017, in December 2017 Ben decided to move from Tulamben to Pemuteran. In Pemuteran, he met Renaud, the owner of Ocean Dreams. Ben became part of Renaud’s family and spent a lot of time with them. Ben tried to settle down in Pemuteran and he was excited about starting his new life. He found a nice house and built a new Tec Room at the backyard. He told people that he would spend the rest of his life at Pemuteran. Over there, Ben discovered a new reef, which he named “Ben’s Reef”.

On September 30th 2018, Ben went on the longest solo dive at 9am and this dive #7702 become his last dive. His passion always lied underwater and he was doing what he truly loved. He left us with many good memories and his beautiful smile. Let us keep him in our heart with this beautiful memory.

~ By Adithra and Momo

Recent stories
October 18, 2018

Hello Ben’s friends and family,

I wanted to share a project that I have been working on in the Philippines. I currently work as an environmental scientist for a mining company and have been working over the past few years rehabilitating local reefs that have been significantly damaged by dynamite fishing and other bad practices by the surrounding local communities. Last year we were able to establish a 130 Ha marine protected area and have been actively installing Reef Balls and propagating coral. The project has been very successful and we are seeing a significant improvement to the local marine environment which is great news for our oceans. Ben and I would talk about this project and he had a very strong interest in it. He was always interested in marine conservation projects all around the world, and his love for the ocean was an inspiration for me to further the conservation works we have been doing here. My last conversation with Ben was 2 days before his last dive was about this project, and he was very excited to learn more.

Last week we deployed 594 reef balls in to out marine protected area, and this week we have started to recover and propagate corals that have been damaged through dynamite fishing, giving them a second chance. As Ben was so interested in the project I decided to dedicate this reef to our much missed Big Ben. I have made a temporary plaque for now, but a permanent brass plaque will be made soon.

Ben was my instructor, my mentor, my friend and an inspiration for my marine conservation work. Although this reef is in the Philippines I think it shows Ben’s reach around the world, and all of our oceans are connected. I look forward to seeing this reef grow and hope it serves somewhat as a memory to Ben and his love for the ocean.  

The Check List

October 12, 2018

A few years ago at Seraya Secrets dive site, we had just finished diving and Ben was nearby preparing to dive with his student. He approached us quietly so his student didn't hear. He wanted to borrow my jet fins and boots, as he had left his behind at The Tec Room and didn't want to embarass himself by having to drive back to Tulamben and get them! He took the fins & boots and went diving, we then made up a humorous brief dive checklist for him on a piece of cardboard and placed it under the windscreen wiper of his dive van. Every time we crossed paths at dive sites after this, we would remind Ben " Don't forget your fins & boots". He told me a couple of years later that he still kept that checklist as a reminder, as he had never before forgotten his fins and boots!

See you underwater

October 8, 2018

Hi Uncle Ben,

Today I came to accept the fact that you had left us in this world. After one week of praying for a miracle, we know that you are now in a much happier place where you belong, the ocean you always loved.
We established a work relationship since 2013 and that had grown on to something special. You used to tease me by calling me "Uncle Alex", which I am still trying to find out why. But now I longed for you to call me that once more.
We have much respect and mutual trust between us. So much that I would like Rachel to learn scuba diving from you, if she ever wants to. I trust you to be a better mentor than I will ever be. But now, it seems I have some big shoes to fill.
I still remember doing all those early tech dives with you in Tulamben. You used to joke that crossing the road to get to the dive sites is more dangerous than the dives itself. I will always remember doing a 60m dive early in the morning and all you wanted was to look at some small nudibranches. 
But perhaps the best memory I had was doing a Free Diving course with you with the Spanish ladies! A veteran tech diver and a triathlete could not get any deeper than a school teacher on the course. What a joke!  
You had spent your last moments in the place you loved most, with you have the biggest smile and all of us covered in tears. In a way, I should not be feeling so sad about it, but I guess everyone you touched in your life can't help it. 
As the photo says it all "SEE YOU UNDERWATER". Memories forever. 
(Photo taken after Free Diving course, Tulamben 2017)

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